How to become compliant ?

How to become compliant ?

Why become compliant?

In order to be able to benefit from all of Rubiwin's functionalities, you must comply with the documents requested for your country. As soon as you become compliant you will be able to:

  1. Indicate the availability of your vehicles
  2. Access the auction interface

How to become compliant?

In order to comply with the Rubiwin platform, you will need to download documents via the following interface .

You must download at least the documents indicated under the section:

How to download documents?

To download your documents, simply click on the following link:

What additional information can be requested?

You may be asked to provide additional information about your documents such as:

  1. Your company's VAT number
  2. KBIS number
  3. Document validity date
  4. For each document, it is explained how to calculate this date (if necessary)

When my documents will be validated?

The validation of documents by our teams can take several days.

When all the documents have been validated, you will receive an email which will tell you that you are in compliance with the Rubiwin rules and you will be able to start using all the functionalities.

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